Coaching for Coaches


Coaching is a profession that comes with a rule book, but typically doesn't come with a guide book. Often as a coach, YOU are the one responsible to create the order itself, so who do you turn to for guidance? Coaching for Coaches is a service that is specifically designed for coaches to have an outlet to process their craft.  To be the best coach you can be, it is important to have a space held for you to gain introspection on yourself.  As a coach, you are constantly assessing the dynamics of your athletes, your team and the sport, while also simultaneously juggling the background dynamics of parents and even the other coaches you may be coaching with.  Everyone needs a coach, coaches of all people know the importance of the role. 

Coaching for Coaches can be done individually by the hour. Coaching for Coaches can also be done with multiple coaches in session together for those who are trying to strengthen their coaching staff as a unit.  I recommend all coaching staff have a session together at least once every two weeks for optimal team and coach cohesion. Sessions can be done virtually, or in person for coaches within an hour radius of Mechanicsburg PA.  I know a coaches lifestyle is busy, so I can make accommodations with where and when sessions are held to make it flow for you. I can meet you at the field, at your home, my office, or through the phone; whichever is easier for you Coach!

For pricing information on Coaching for Coaches, please see Pricing.

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Free consults available



9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



