About Coaching


A life coach is someone who facilitates the most powerful ways for you to learn about yourself.  Having someone coach you through life helps you to see the whole picture; to identify all areas of disharmony and how they may impact one another. Life coaching helps you to assimilate all areas of your life and to incorporate all avenues of self growth into one journey. Just like any other coach, my job is to encourage and guide you as we unlock your full potential.


Since most sessions at Own Your Destiny Coaching are done virtually, you have the ability to be coached when and where you would like to be. How often have you wanted to process an issue while it was occurring in the present moment and had no one to turn to? Your coach at Own Your Destiny Coaching is always a phone call, a zoom meeting, or a text away! Sometimes the most crucial gateways for real growth are in real life.

Virtual coaching allows for flexible consistent communication with your coach through times in your life that you would not be able to schedule a rigid counseling session for.  Virtual coaching also gives you the freedom to control the environment of your sessions. Perhaps you would like to be at home, perhaps you have a long commute you would like to fill with something beneficial, or maybe you would like to develop a routine of walking, being outside, or being somewhere else that you enjoy during your sessions. Virtual coaching gives your coach the accessibility to make an impact in your life no matter where you are. In or out of town, home or away, business or vacation - with Own Your Destiny Coaching, you will always have your coach in your corner.

For those who prefer in person interactions, there is an option for in person One on One Coaching at my discretion for select clients who meet the criteria. This service is for clients who can benefit from in person one on one coaching, and live within an hour radius of Mechanicsburg PA. In person coaching sessions may be done in my office located in Shermans Dale PA, or in the comfort of the clients own home. 

Too busy for a phone call or an in person session? Texting services are also something that I offer at Own Your Destiny Coaching. Texting services are a great way to be coached through urgent and unexpected issues, when privacy isn't possible, when you are on the go, and/or when you want to process a real life issue while it is occurring in real time. 

Coaching with Own Your Destiny Coaching gives you the power to access guidance on the go within the midst of life in whatever way works for YOU.  The most powerful time to work on making changes is in the present moment when the opportunity for change presents itself. You don't need to stop life in order to grow, you need a support system that allows you to grow through life. Own Your Destiny Coaching makes this possible.


Coaching differs from counseling in several unique ways.  Counseling tends to be diagnostic based, medication focused, modeled on service reliance, rigid, in an office setting, and operates on a one size fits all application. Coaching however, is based on identifying patterns, making life changes, modeled on self empowerment and self reliance, flexible, in your own environment, and operates on real life application. Coaching does share many positive attributes of counseling as well such as guidance, support, insight, and growth. 


At Own Your Destiny Coaching I believe I have created an environment of personalized growth that is unique from any other service available. Own Your Destiny Coaching gives you the freedom and the flexibility to schedule sessions at your convenience, around your schedule, and in your environment. No need to sit in a stagnant office or facility, no wasted time or hassle in transit, no breaks in care due to travel, no health risks or regulations, no need for a babysitter; Own Your Destiny Coaching makes it possible for you to grow while going though life.

Life coaching at Own Your Destiny Coaching is an empowering experience unlike any other.  If you're tired of rigid reliance based counseling, and you're looking for a more modern, personalized, flexible, and innovative way to grow into yourself, you have found the right place! Allow me to help you find yourself so that your destiny may find you.

Contact Me



Free consults available



9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



