Internal/External Audience Workshop


What internal audience do your athletes bring with them every to competition no matter who is in the stands? An internal audience is the colony of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, memories and experiences that lives between any athletes two ears; the voices and echos will be amplified during competition. As an athlete, it is important to take a personal inventory of the audience we are carrying around with us. We want our internal audience to be a colony of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, memories and experiences that are echos of our biggest fans; not our worst enemies.

What external audience does your team play for? Does your team or athletes perform differently for home or away competition? An external audience is a population of people or ideas your team is inspired represent. Identifying a team external audience will help alleviate the individual pressure from each athletes internal audience. With the insight gained from the Internal/External Workshop, even if an athlete fails at achieving something they set out to for their own internal audience, they will have a larger picture vision that they can still achieve something for their external audience as a team.

If you have athletes who take losses personally the Internal/External Workshop is a great tool to give them the gift of perspective. Perseverance is something every team and athlete can learn with the right mindset and vision.

Internal/External Audience Workshop Objectives:

  1. To identify your internal and external audience.
  2. To process the importance of your internal audience being your biggest fan; not your worst enemy.
  3. To decrease perform anxiety by gaining perspective.
  4. To improve perseverance by taking personal pressure off individuals and unifying responsibility as a team unit.

For pricing information on the Internal/External Audience Workshop please see Pricing.

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Free consults available



9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



